Kahuna Healing Explained how to bring that into your daily life.

Kahuna were Shaman of Hawaiian Islands; the keeper of secrets. Kahuna taught and healed through the spirit of vibration. Aloha means being in the presence of the spirit.When spirit enters the body, an electrical vibration is felt.Kahuna Healing and living explained

Master Kahuna Kalahney, connects you to origin of who you are. Kahuna living is a way of being it's a way of life. 

To be in the presence of giving and receiving not giving and taking.

To make sense of what you are about to read and hear we need to know what Kahuna really means, the depth of training that is essential so we do not degrade the wisdom you are about to read and hear.

Are you aware that kahuna is marketed as just a massage technique yet true Kahuna is about taking care of every aspect of life. I hope this bothers you; people have devalued every aspect of spirituality. Under the devalued conditions humans remain trapped in just physical whereas Kahuna bring in all elements simultaneously. This cannot be learned under the current kahuna systems that accept every applicant as a student. Kahuna is selected on merit much like a doctor or surgeon must qualify to attend advanced studies. I hope this has cleared up the Kahuna question. So let's move on.

Learning to Receive; video of a woman's story of dealing with difficulties of intimacy with her husband.

As we begin on our journey of entering new experiences. First step is that we must prepare to receive. Receiving is a rare skill in humans and needs to be tuned. Much like trekking in Himalayan mountains you need to train up for it or you'll not be able to appreciate the beauty and the sacredness of where you are. Truth has been preserved but it is not available to the general public who have not learned to receive.

In the video above, this waman shares how she had difficulty in receiving new ways of hearing and accepting the ultimate gift that shifted her so profoundly. It's vital you listen to the entire video a number of times if you wish to have a better life.

To brings yourself into unity we first begin to help you learn how to receive with non resistance is foundation of Kahuna healing.

Then we begin to take constructive action that unites us rather divides us. This vibration begins to connect every cell within your body and re-arrange these cells into their rightful place. The purpose of that is to access the unknown where "Each one of us is in alliance with the river of wisdom. Everything that we need in order to be whole rather than conform is within us right at this very instant. It is merely a matter of being able to recognize it. This work and the representations below are  here to prepare you for this journey.

It's very simple when you connect to union of wisdom, but humans have complicated it by compartmentalising and separating it into modules.

For example most people consider Kahuna to be just a massage were in fact it is a complete way of living.

In the videos  below you'll hear people describing how they experienced the merging of body with spirit as it entered them.

Here we enter into WISDOM OF ALOHA.

In the word Aloha; every letter has a meaning.

We begin to understand how live ALOHA principals; people don't know that Aloha is a code of conduct not hello.
Each letter has full meaning of living.

- A means to look and behave in a way that moves towards the light and to ensure you do this with watchful awareness. This means to pay attention to what's happening around us and how we are expressing ourselves.
- L stands for oneness. We together come together supporting each other
- O stands for truth. Truth of what you see and feel fully. Not just polite conversations about things outside of us.
- H means to be humble and be aware (also be aware of the ego and how we often engage in it.
- A stands for absolute love of all of light.

Living in the oneness.

We begin to begin to operate in the light rather than just reaching for the light. We practice living in the light of new wisdom.

As life has divided us within society this has affected our cellular communication within our own body.

As a result of this cellular rearrangement we are all broken.

The purpose of this Kahuna is to connect you to the truth within each and every individual who participates in this healing journey. Kahuna wisdom was only ever in the hands of great seers. In reality today, this is still the case because it takes tremendous dedication to open yourself up to truth. And anyone can do it provided they approach it with reverence and commit to living it with every breath. Therefore Kahuna is not a technique, it is a way of life.

Kahuna Healing is bringing the three selves together

You have three selves that are quite separate. The conscious self, the unconscious self and the super self. All these selves have different functions. As you move deeper and deeper into all the three selves you become one. At this point the shift in consciousness occurs.

However, as this occurs; the lower self through which we function in the physical world is still learning to recognise the higher frequencies. It is for this reason we talk about the movements within the body that you may have experienced but not been able to express these changes through your conscious mind. It is absolutely critical you are not left alone to work these things out yourself or you'll miss the wisdom of your transmutation.

Make sure you take the time to listen to these recording on this page to begin to open your mind to receiving your body's wisdom.

In the videos you'll hear actual clients sharing their experiences of pillar of light and inner vibrations that move the energy around to their rightful place.

We bring purpose, action, desire cooperation together as foundation for fulfillment. There was a time when we all lived in cooperation and collaboration. Harmony was way of living; Kahuna living is path to bringing back honor.

You'll near me 'Kalahney' speaking with the student of his/her own life about how to apply all the changes into every aspect of their life.

It takes15 to 20 years to become a Kahuna. Wisdom comes only through deep experiences. (this is not to be confused with instant Kahuna that is in many of the spas and resorts.)

Knowing that Kahuna is a way of life prepares you for your session. It is not just a massage that we are accustomed to seeing promoted.

Yes - bodywork is involved, but that is just a part of it. First we identify what distresses your soul and body mind. This brings physical, mental, spiritual and soulular connection to your desires. This becomes the vibrational healing of what divides you.


FIND OUT WHY by watching this video above. Kahuna master is vastly different to people calling themselves Kahuna these days.

Below is a true account of Kahuna Massage mastery described by a client.

By making deepest connection with body mind soul spirit that help you make sense of your life you are given new ways of interpreting life and you physical condition. In longest session often people experience profound changes in their life.


This video is an account of the body adjusting itself from inside out with the help of super soul. Join us in our talk of the depth of unravelling you to can access.


In this video we move through the doorway of pain. Not exploring pain but moving through and beyond it. Then apply these feelings into daily living.



In this video a woman describes feeling of soul energy entering her body and how he body began to rock gently from inside as her body was still. In stillness your can access oneness within you and world around you.


In the video below, a man describes soul descending on him


When to have Kahuna Healing

When facing challenges and stress whether they are physical or emotional, Kahuna massage by Kahuna master therapist, brings balance and transformation on all levels by deep nurturing that releases tension leaving you with feelings of being connected your yourself and your life.

Kahuna massage professional studies all elements of life for 10 to 15 years. Marketing has reduced everything to a quick sale and has impacted on Kahuna studies because the markers themselves are unable to understand depths of ancient wisdom. They use sacred words and turn them into ordinary language, this degrades the wisdom and limits publics ability to do thorough research) In this instant times, many are taught in just a weekend. (That is the one dimensional approach and certainly is not Kahuna)

A man describes his healing of surgery in his wrists along with relationship understanding and healing emotional resistance.


Kahuna by a dedicated therapist accesses your spirit and Soul and your body simultaneously
Inside the Temple of your soul resides your body. During the Kahuna massage I intend to bring that connection to you. Kahuna massage goes beyond physical connection to rhythm of life - nourishing, peaceful healing. Essential for when you need to reconnect to yourself or when facing challenges and stress whether they are physical or emotional.

Kahuna massage by Kahuna master therapist Kalahney, brings balance and transformation on all levels by deep nurturing that releases tension leaving you with feelings of being connected your yourself and your life.
Original Kahuna professional is not just a massage person. Kahuna studies all elements of life.

Sadly due to misunderstandings; even you can claim Kahuna status in just a few days. (that is equivalent to forgery, you cannot be a copy of your teacher)

Kahuna mastery takes experience and are selected from most advanced people, not the general public as is the pattern now. I bring you my experience and expertise and decades of client stories personalised for you.

Appointment can range from 40 minutes to 150 minutes and in some cases for many hours. Some have extended to five hours and longer; FIND OUT WHY by carefully listening to the videos, turn off all distractions especially notifications. Close all other browsers. Kahuna master is vastly different to people calling themselves Kahuna these day.

Located on the Gold Coast Qld Australia. People fly here to exeperience Kalahney's Kahuna Soul Retrieval book your session here.