Lose Weight by Eating More, that's heaven.

No Diet, no pills - just great food Steve Lost wieght by eating 3 times as much as he used to.

Our experience is that our bodies are starving. When the body believes it needs to survive, it begins to store energy often in form of fat. This is misinterpreted by linear thinking. It is my experience as I was working with a man who had considerable challenges that included being overweight.shopping bastket for healthy living

Steve lost 22kg, in just 4 weeks while indulging in all his taste senses and connecting with halthy food, here is his story.

Due to marketing and conditioning; his only thought was to lose weight. He felt that going on a weight loss diet, he would feel better and healthier.

For ultimate health benefits

Often it is more about how you the food is grown, raised, prepared and eaten rather than choices we make.

PDF of a man losing 20kilos plus by eating up to 3 times the amount he was used to is to uploaded soon

  • His health improved dramatically,
  • past injuries diminished greatly
  • Eyesight improved
  • He could run for the first time in years

As his appetite increased he became healthier, losing weight in the process.

Steve’s Story.


“I can’t remember being alive like this”. 

Grey hair slowly disappearing, lost more stomach, in just one month anUnerstanding energies of Living Pulsed have lost two and half inches in the belt.

Started losing age in face and body. 

In the same month 110kg to 88kg “Wow, How good is that!” 

  • Energy levels – better staying power – normal work done in less than half the time, & actually planning things to do.
  • Improved hearing and eyesight.
  • Hay fever gone. 

Lifestyle Mentoring & Weight Loss here; is approached very differently.

When we met Steve, he said he needed to lose some weight, he had a protruding stomach like many men his age also (Steve had a motor bike accident in his twenties, now he is in his 50's) he literally used to waddle due to past injuries

Tasha's response was;

"You do not need to lose weight, you just need to get healthy".

After a few consultations he began his journey of connecting with his life's habits. He began making very simple yet critical changes immediately. Below are diary entries he made over 28 days.

Tasha monitored his progress. Steve kept a diary. 

Here is his progress report.


07.9.06 -

I Steve with a rather large belly, fatigued and in a lot of pain from past injuries, also suffering from hay fever. I am a constant worrier. Plus I had strong body odor to the extent that I used to spray deodorant on my shirt.


Then I started on Tasha's Lifestyle programme.Healthy food

 08.9.06 Things started moving.
 09.9.06 - My bowel was starting to respond as what I would call normal.
 10.9.06 - Eye sight improved. A small blood blister that I was getting on my top right hand gum. That blood blister I got about every 2 weeks, has now stopped.
• 11.0.06 - My sore knee was getting better. Sore joints had almost corrected themselves. Energy levels and alertness is a lot better now.

• 12.9.06 - Very regular bowl movement. I went into town. When walking on the foot path I just felt like walking very fast being conscious of my body movements. It felt good. I was hardly puffing.
• 13.9.06  - Plenty of energy. Feeling good regular bowel movements. My appetite is good. Clear thinking.
• Eating three times more than normal yet losing weight.
 14.9.06 - Energy levels exceeding yesterday. Getting work done in ½ the time. Thinking very clearly. More confidence.

Lost another ½inch belt size.

Appetite doubled, eating more yet still losing weight.  


·     16/9/06 - Hearing things in the house at like a ticking clock that I never used to hear.

· 17/9/06 - Bowel really moving well. 

· 19/9/06 Energy levels even better, staying power, just push it. A days normal done in less that ½ the time. 

“Now; - actually planning things to do. Just happens, COOL!”

20/9/06 Energy plus day,   

1. split second timing went well without an effort, Soup for the soul

2. Urine clearest it has been.

3. Work no effort at all when it was before.

4. Thinking clearly without even trying to think.  

“I can’t remember ever being like this”

  • 22/9/06- Sleep is ever so restful. Work is too easy; job planning is probably saving time.  

· 23/9/06 - Noticed small light when radio is on, didn’t before, 

1. Sweating is not as bad as before

2. Don’t feel the heat as much as before.

3. Body odor is not as strong as before.

· 23/9/06 - Eye sight clearer.  

1. Bowel very frequent,

2. Job planning very clear. 

  • 1/10/06 -I no longer suffer from hay fever.

Much more confident driving very early hours of the morning at 2.30am.very rest full sleep if only a few hours. It is enough after very long days. 

Seeing myself now, looking younger in face and body.


·1/10/06 –grey hair slowly disappearing lost more stomach,it’ been just one month 



Here we are assisting you in connecting with your inner body. It is our inability to connect to ourselves that often creates these issues.

When we begin to truly taste what we eat. When we delight our senses the body loves itself and your. Your body mind and senses merge and dance within. Shedding Weight and pain is a by product of connection.

Call for 20 minute assessement so we can personalise your weightloss and new lifestyle journey

Need Help? Call Tasha ☎️ +61 430 417 039