This Is The First Article 

Author; Tasja

Relationships can be wonderful yet often they can be a challenge despite being in a good relationship we can often feel lonely, forgotten unheard how do we reconcile this?

Intense Relationship therapies are available for Singles and Couples either independently or together. Sex Therapy can often bring Relationships closer together - most often difficulties in relationships show up in the bedroom Yet the problem may not be there at all. How do you access the issues when you yourself know little about your own body how can you please another when your own body is a mystery or perhaps you find yourself alone and in need of loving yourself.

Relationships often suffer because we are deeply disconnected from ourselves contact us directly to discuss your options.

Relationship Therapy can begin to connect you to you.


  • Relationship Packages available beginning with 4hour appointment.
  • Here you discover your relationship with your own body first
  • then you are able to focus on getting to know your partner.
  • You'll be amazed how your relationship heals as you heal.

If you are Single or your partner is not reachable at this stage


  • To have more pleasure in life we need to know what our options are.
  • Be amazed at the range of feelings you are yet to discover.